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Personal Care
July 19, 2023
min read

Beast Brands Reduce Time Spent on Sampling by 57% with Recess

Using Recess helped us identify events strategically and geographically, saving us time and resources.

– John Cascarano, Founder, Beast Brands

The goal

Reach young millennials and older gen z by sampling Beast Brands Nutt Butter lotion at relevant events.

Beast Brands, a personal care and grooming brand, wanted to reach young millennial and older gen z by sampling their Nutt Butter lotion at relevant events where their target audience would be present.

In the past, Beast Brands has not sampled their products frequently, and when they did it was not strategic. Most of their sampling was done online and they did not participate in many events. Founder, John Cascarano, stated that they "Focused more online during Covid, as there were few events." Recess was tasked with helping Beast Brands branch out to sampling at events, more specifically races and runs.

The strategy

Implement turnkey sampling campaigns with an established Obstacle Course Race

Using Recess’ centralized partnership platform, Beast Brands executed turnkey sampling campaigns at an established obstacle course race in AZ, without geographical limitations or requiring staff on-site at events. Since their product is sold regionally and online, this obstacle course race, whose attendees matched the brand's target audience, seemed like the perfect fit. Samples were distributed from a booth in the festival area - this made for easy distribution and organizers were able to distribute all samples.

The success

Beast Brands reached 4,000 prospective participants and their families at an established Obstacle Course Race

Recess’ end-to-end partnership platform and dedicated account managers enabled Beast Brands to achieve its goals of expanding the sampling program to events and by sampling at an established Obstacle Course Race, without needing to hire additional staff. This resulted in cost and time savings for the team, allowing more focus on other business priorities. The "most obvious advantage was the focus on the Recess platform,” says John. "Especially event type and geographic focus.

Recess streamlined the logistical process of executing sampling programs and reduced the amount of time spent by 57%, which empowered the team at Beast Brands to efficiently accomplish more with limited resources.

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Rachel Lee
Rachel Lee
Marketing at Recess

Writes about CPG marketing and the coolest brand activation campaigns. A seriously casual golfer.