Check out our top brand campaigns of 2023 in Recess Wrapped!
December 17, 2022
min read

4505 Meats distributes 14,500 samples across 21 events nationwide.

We used to have an in-house Field Marketing Manager but working with Recess provided a good alternative to paying an additional salary for that work to be done. The reach vs cost that Recess provides has been a great value for our team.

– Allie McElwee, Marketing Director, 4505 Meats

The goal


Increase brand awareness and drive product trial in 4 key markets

4505 Meats, a growing snack company based in San Francisco, wanted to increase brand awareness and drive product trials beyond the Bay area through socially distant sponsorship activations while maintaining a lean team.

In the past, activations were locally focused due to staffing, cost, and logistical limitations.  “We stopped doing consumer facing events a while ago because we didn’t have the staff or manpower to do them," said Allie McElwee, Marketing Director, 4505 Meats. Recess was tasked with helping 4505 restart and streamline their event marketing and sampling channels leveraging socially distant events.  

Families enjoy 4505 Meats samples at drive-in movie theaters.

The strategy

Implement turn-key sampling campaigns at events nationwide

Using Recess’ centralized sponsorship platform, 4505 executed socially distant sampling campaigns for their flagship product at 21 events across the U.S. without geographical limitations or requiring staff on-site at events.  Samples were distributed as gifts to event attendees upon ticket check-in and entry by event organizers at college events and The Pop-Up Movie Tour, a drive-in movie experience.

Couple picks up 4505 Meats samples at a drive-thru experience.

The success

14,500 samples distributed across 21 events

Remote, end-to-end management of the sampling campaigns through Recess’ platform streamlined logistics and enabled the brand to achieve nationwide reach, without needing to hire additional field-marketing staff in the office or at events. This resulted in salary and time savings for the team, allowing more focus on other business priorities. “[Reaching] markets outside of the Bay Area to amplify our brand...was the biggest advantage,” says Allie.

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Rachel Lee
Rachel Lee
Marketing at Recess

Writes about CPG marketing and the coolest brand activation campaigns. A seriously casual golfer.